Once your application for music funding is successful, there are a number of steps you will need to take to receive your funding.
Te Puna Rauemi mō ngā ringapuoro tākoha - Resources for Funded Artists
Everything you need to take the next step once your application for Music funding is successful – from budget templates to NZ On Air logo guidelines.

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Contract initiation
Artists and music companies need to enter into a contract with NZ On Air before any funding can be paid out. This is the first step to begin any funding.
Within one week of the funding decisions being announced, you will receive a letter to read and sign which contains your funding contract.
At that point, you will then confirm the ‘Contracting Party’ who will be handling all the payment drawdowns and communications with NZ On Air to do with your funding. All invoices from your suppliers have to be made out to the Contracting Party in order to be claimed.
Budget and drawdown schedule
We release funding in three stages, which we refer to as ‘drawdowns’. This is an agreement between NZ On Air and the funding applicant stated in your funding contract.
After the first payment, the artists or music companies must meet agreed 'milestones' and provide reports on progress to receive further drawdowns.
All costs are claimable from the opening date of the funding round. Expenses or activity incurred prior to this date will not be eligible for claims.
Read below for an example of what milestones are required for each drawdown instalment:
Drawdown 1: $8,000 – Advance
Drawdown 1: $8,000 – Advance
Read and sign your Funding Agreement letter (this is sent to the applicant's email address who applied for the funding)
- Submit the Initial Budget for your single that is approved by the NZ On Air Music team
- Read and sign the Safe Spaces Agreement
- Provide your invoice for this $8,000 instalment
Drawdown 2: $2,000 – Advance
Drawdown 2: $2,000 – Advance
- Evidence that you have completed your audio track and video content with the correct NZ On Air logo applied in accordance with our accreditation requirements
- Confirmed release date for the single
- A written update on the creative progress of the Single and the work done to date
- Cost Report showing your expenditure to date against the Initial Budget
- Provide your invoice for this $2,000 instalment
Drawdown 3: $1,000 – Advance (with Artist Creation Fee)
Drawdown 3: $1,000 – Advance (with Artist Creation Fee)
- Evidence that you have released your single, video content and completed promotion
- A written update on the creative progress of the Single and the work done to complete the Single
- Final Cost Report showing your expenditure to date against the Initial Budget
- Provide us with a Marketing and Promotion report in accordance with our requirements outlined
- Provide your invoice for the $1,000 Artist Creation Fee
Budget and Cost Report Templates
Budget and Cost Report Templates
These templates are used to track your budget and spend for your funding. This is the template you will use to send to our Finance Business Partners to receive funding drawdown payments.
NMS25 Budget & Cost Report Template
Budget cost report template to outline costs towards New Music Single funding. This template also applies to New Music Pasifika and New Music Pan-Asian funding.
WT24 Budget & Cost Report Template
Budget cost report template to outline costs towards Waiata Takitahi funding.
NMK24 Budget & Cost Report Template
Budget cost report template to outline costs towards New Music Kids funding.
NMP25 Budget & Cost Report Template
Budget cost report template to outline costs towards New Music Project funding.
NMPK25 Budget & Cost Report Template
Budget cost report template to outline costs towards New Music Project Kids funding.
Budget Expectations
Budget Expectations
These documents outline the budget expectations for each music funding, with information on eligible and ineligible costs.
New Music Single, Pan-Asian and Pasifika Budget Expectations
New Music Kids Budget Expectations
Project timeline
It's important you understand what is expected when. See our project timeline below.
Information on the general timeline in which you are expected to deliver your funded project.
Applying our logo to your visual content
Make sure you use the current versions of the NZ On Air logo and images in your work. All the most up-to-date logos and brand assets can be found below.
It is important that New Zealanders know what their taxpayer dollars have funded. Having consistent NZ On Air accreditation helps reinforce the value of our funding for Aotearoa.
There are specific requirements for the accreditation of funded content when it is broadcast or uploaded, and in publicity and promotional material. These accreditation requirements form part of the contract for funding.
NZ On Air logos
You can contact us if you’re not sure how to meet the NZ On Air brand or logo requirements. We are also more than happy to check the placement of your logo. Contact us at musicteam@nzonair.govt.nz.
Waiata Takitahi logo pack
If your content was funded through the NZ On Air / Te Māngai Pāho Waiata Takitahi initiative, please download and apply the specific Waiata Takitahi Logo Pack.
Safe Spaces Agreement
All contracts include a mandatory Safe Spaces Agreement. It establishes some common ground rules for a positive and safe environment for:
- recording sessions
- video shoots
- any other collaborative space for your project.
The Safe Spaces Agreement is an acknowledgement that there are systemic and harmful power imbalances within the music industry. It’s a commitment to help create change.
It helps artists, videographers, photographers, producers, labels, managers, publicists, project managers and all relevant collaborators to have security and confidence when entering a project.
Respect and safety are a priority for all NZ On Air funded projects.
Health and safety
Producers of funded music videos must be aware of their requirements under the Health and Safety at Work Act (2015).
NZ On Air along with the Film Commission, SPADA and industry guilds and organisations has funded the development of an industry resource for Health and Safety information, ScreenSafe.
SoundCheck Aotearoa
NZ On Air supports SoundCheck Aotearoa. SoundCheck Aotearoa is an action group with a mission to foster a safe and inclusive culture for the music community.
They have a variety of printable resources and tools to assist everyone in the music community to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and assault in their workplaces. Some of the resources also address bullying and discrimination.
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