Tonoa mai mō ngā Kaupapa puoro hou - Applying for Music funding

Everything you need to know to apply for Music funding from NZ On Air.

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New Music Project

Applications open:
Applications close:
Decisions due:

New Music Single

Applications open:
Applications close:
Decisions due:


Applications open:
Applications close:

New Music Pasifika

Applications open:
Applications close:
Decisions due:
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We fund the recording and promotion of single songs, multi-song projects and video content to help connect great New Zealand songs with New Zealand audiences.

We fund songs and projects that reflect Aotearoa and have the potential to reach significant broadcast and online audiences.

Music funding sits within the Creation pou of our NZ On Air Investment Strategy.

Before you apply

It is important you know:

  • what we can fund
  • what you'll need to include in your application
  • how we'll assess your application

Who is eligible to apply

Check below to see if you are eligible to apply for NZ On Air Music funding. Consider these factors:

Eligibility checklist

  1. Make sure your music qualifies as “New Zealand music” by reading our definition checklist below. You need to answer 'yes' to 3 out of 5 in both sections.
  2. Check our Music Funding Guidelines document to see if it applies to your single or project.
  3. Depending on the type of music funding you are applying for, you will need to check you can reach the entry threshold criteria.

Submitting your application

You need to register with our online application system to apply for funding. We only consider applications submitted online.

All material submitted to NZ On Air is covered by the Official Information Act.

Application portal links

New Music Single, New Music Pasifika, New Music Pan-Asian, New Music Kids or Waiata Takitahi

New Music Project or New Music Project Kids


NewTracks Kids

Budget expectations and assessment criteria

Initial budget for application

Initial budget for application

All music funding applications must include an initial budget outlining your expected costs. This is to help assessors understand what you will be using the funding for and allows applicants to accurately budget the project prior to receiving funding.

The Application Budget Template can be found as an Excel spreadsheet or Google Sheets, which you can upload or link to in your funding applications.

NMS25 Application Budget Template
An Excel version of our Application Budget Template which must be uploaded alongside any New Music Single application.

You can find the online Google Sheets budget template here.

Budget expectations

Budget expectations

There are detailed requirements for applying to our music funding schemes with NZ On Air. To facilitate budgeting, all costs should be entered into the Budget Template.

All costs are claimable from the opening date of the funding round. Expenses or activity incurred prior to this date will not be eligible for claims.

The documents below outline the eligible and ineligible costs to help you understand what you can use NZ On Air Music funding for.

New Music Single Budget Expectations
Budget Expectations for New Music Single, New Music Pan-Asian and Pasifika.

New Music Kids Budget Expectations

New Music Project Budget Expectations

New Music Project Kids Budget Expectations

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria

All New Music Single and Focus round applications and songs will be assessed by NZ On Air and an external panel of music experts.

Key factors in the assessment process will be:

  • Potential for the song to achieve broadcast on significant New Zealand radio platforms, helping to increase levels of New Zealand music on radio
  • Potential for the song to impact online audiences in New Zealand with significant streams/views/shares/likes/other engagement for the funded song
  • Evidence of an audience following for the artist (eg. engagement with any songs released to date, live show attendances, social media fans etc.)
  • Strength of the overall recording and release plan, budget and application.

Assessment process

Assessment process

This is a step-by-step breakdown of the Assessment Process for NZ On Air New Music Single and Focus Round funding

  1. Once the round closes, all applications are checked by our Music Team to ensure you are eligible to apply and have achieved any criteria needed for the funding round.
  2. After all applications have been confirmed to meet any entry criteria, the applications are sent to the assessment panel.
  3. The assessment panel is made up of external music experts – a representative from NZ On Air and the remainder from the Music Industry (radio, music media, music managers, music producers, music industry organisations, etc).
  4. Prior to the Assessment Hui, the assessors listen to and read all the applications and submit a shortlist based on the Assessment Criteria.
  5. At the Assessment Hui, each of the shortlisted songs are played and discussed, beginning with the applications with the most votes, until there is a list of funded songs.
  6. If an application is not successful, the applicant is welcome to contact the NZ On Air Music Team for feedback via

Funding decisions

We notify all funding applicants to the New Music Single and Focus Rounds (such as New Music Pasifika and New Music Pan-Asian) of our funding decisions by email within 48 hours of the funding assessment meeting.

New Music Project and New Music Project Kids funding decisions are notified via email within 48 hours of the Staff Investment Committee (SIC) meeting.

All music funding decisions are available on the NZ On Air website.

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