Since the Minister’s announcement just over six weeks ago of $55m to support sustainable public interest journalism we have undertaken high level consultation with a representative range of sector participants to better understand the needs of the sector before we shape the fund. We have gathered a huge amount of really helpful information through this process. We have also identified a couple of areas where we need further information, and this includes undertaking targeted consultation with the Māori media sector.

While this work is still underway we are making good progress on working out the details of the fund. Next week we will release a summary of the first round of stakeholder consultation, and our recommendations in response. We will also at that time detail how we will approach structuring the fund. This will give potential applicants a steer on what they should be thinking about in preparing applications, ahead of our first funding round opening at the end of April.

When we open the inaugural funding round we will issue detailed round information guidelines, and eligibility criteria, and information on how to apply. All of this information will be in a Shorts newsletter, as well as published on our website at